Moving on with life

By RosvitaB - Last updated: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - Save & Share - Leave a Comment

The last few weeks have been very busy with graduations. First, there was planning and getting ready to attend our son’s graduation from Biola University. We turned the trip south to LA into a 5-day mini vacation with a day on the front and end of the trip for visiting new places and old friends. We helped our son move himself out of the dorm and into a nearby apartment. The graduation day itself was exciting and draining. The next day there was more moving. I didn’t know he had so many clothes! So now he’s settled into his new life, with one part-time job in the field he studied for, and looking for another part-time job to help pay the bills.

Next came all the children of our friends graduating from high school. We got to hear about the plans, some off to college, some moving with their parents out of the area. It was definitely a time to think back and remember the excitement and anxiety we had first setting out on our own.  I stayed at home with parents and attended college, my boyfriend proposed marriage and joined the Air Force. I couldn’t have imagined then where our lives would go. So, I’m excited for all these young people, and pray that each day will bring some little thing to find joy in.

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